2 Sep 2020
Noite americana / De tu lado del mar: a musical translation
Paloma Vidal will present a performance blending poetry and music: a poem by Brazilian poet Marília Garcia, from the book Câmera Lenta (2017), will be translated into Spanish, paired with a song by Argentine musician Carlos Aguirre, from the album Calma (2017).
The performance highlights the body that translates, feeling the keys, seeing the signs, and hearing the sounds, like a pianist interpreting a score. It aims to reveal the corporeal aspect of translation and create a continuum between two artistic forms that, while evoking love and distance in different ways, converge in their use of rhythm, pauses, silences, and repetitions. The rhythm of one will influence the other, a “contraband” echoing the ambiguous familiarity between two closely related languages.
After the performance, some ideas about the relationship between performance and translation will be discussed.