

Márcia Maria, meeting

Words by central22

Márcia Maria, meeting

2 Sep 2020

A warm meeting to share knowledge and experiences with Márcia Maria do Nascimento.

A story that begins with the abduction of the black people, torn from their homeland on the African continent, for a journey made of forgetfulness, fear, pain, and death. A genocide. A people marked by suffering and death, but not without first watering with sweat, tears, and blood the soil of Brazil. Not without having previously been transformed into a tool of labor, a mere animal, without soul, without will of its own, but still serving to advance the colonial slave economy. But memory does not fade.

Culture, knowledge, and experiences are written and remain, despite everything. Many peoples and families were separated, but they regrouped and reorganized. Thus the quilombos appeared, and thus began the manifestations that would give life to the first candomblé terreiro communities.

My steps come from afar and lead to these stories told through byways where I am allowed to walk and where you will kindly accompany me by listening. A moment of communion and affirmation. A way to emit a positive thought for all those who suffer in the world. Fully appreciating what we have and who we are. Sharing food and brotherhood.

An Ebô, an Ebô Yá, and a sweet canjica will be served. Pastries made from white corn (canjica), originating from indigenous culture, adapted to Afro-Brazilian manifestations, and present on both ritual and secular tables.

Márcia Maria do Nascimento is Brazilian, 57 years old. She is Yaquequerê (Little Mother) of the Ilê Asé Egi Omin, a Candomblé Terreiro in Rio de Janeiro. Initiated by Yalorixá Wanda Araujo (Ilê Asé Egi Omin), she is the daughter of Iansã and Xangô. As a teacher, she works on the African diaspora in Brazil through social, cultural, and emotional practices.

Image – Association Oyá