Visual artist
Rafael Silvares is a Brazilian visual artist residing in São Paulo.
Rafael will work with photographic journals. One of them will be a photo journal, made with two types of cameras, analog and digital. These images will then be transformed into small drawings or paintings (acrylic, oil, and watercolor). These paintings will be mixed with found objects.
“I think I will first work with clay, wood, mats, glue, and oil paint, but everything can change depending on my discoveries.”
“I will work with a few references that I use as starting points, fundamentally, the texts that refer to becoming, impermanence, and the layer of time deposited in things. I look at the simplicity of everyday objects. In this sense, I have been very connected with the correspondence book of Helio Oiticica and Lygia Clark, more specifically the part where Lygia starts rummaging through the trash in Paris looking for something that surprises her. Also, the botanical work by Goethe titled The Metamorphosis of Plants, some references from pre-Socratic philosophy, more specifically Heraclitus of Ephesus, Merleau-Ponty’s Phenomenology of Perception, Foucault’s The Words and Things, some poems by Carlos Drummond like Elephant, Gesso by Manuel Bandeira, certain texts by João Cabral de Melo Neto, among other things.
I am very interested in the idea of architectural constructions (like the Mucambos of northeastern Brazil), made with what is in the surroundings of the place, where the poetic dimension is given by the aesthetic mix that occurs in this process. I am interested in the relationship between consumption and the obsolescence of found elements.”
February 2018 / Paris