

Antoine de Mena


Antoine de Mena

Of History and Servitude

As part of his residency at La Centrale 22, Antoine de Mena made progress in editing and writing the voice-over for his first feature film, an essay-film provisionally titled Of History and Servitude.

During the first week of the residency, he alternated between work sessions and discussions with the artist members of La Centrale 22.

In the second week, he held a viewing session of the work produced during the first week.

Film synopsis:

Tomo, a Japanese friend, invites me to film an interview with Louis Sala-Molins, a Catalan emeritus professor who writes in French, known for his pioneering edition of the Code Noir and his radical critique of power. The intensity of the encounter is such that a world-film emerges between France, Spain, and Japan. An essay in three voices that interrogates domination and its countless avatars, where we may perhaps recognize the features of our own face.

Antoine de Mena is a Franco-Spanish poet and filmmaker.