About us

Panamérica Transatlântica is a materialized delirium, embodied by people living in France, Brazil, Chile, and other places. The dream of creating a floating continent that dances with the tides and materializes wherever the encounter happens. It establishes its instant community, a collective of kindred strangers, ready to sing, dance, play, and celebrate.

A group of artists who know that, just as every human being is an artist, anyone can become a reveler; you just have to surrender to the beat of the drums and let yourself be carried away.

Proclaiming our human joy, which is the ultimate proof and the fuel of existence; advocating for social justice and the unity of peoples, Panamérica celebrates wherever it is welcomed. Beyond Gamboa, in the center of Rio de Janeiro, and the 10th arrondissement of Paris—the two gravitational poles of the group—Santiago, Chile, Saint-Denis, and other destinations await the landing of our ship.

As soon as we are all vaccinated, no stone will be left unturned, and Carnival will redeem us.