

Cecília Cavalieri, La Femme, reading

Words by central22

Cecília Cavalieri, La Femme, reading

2 Sep 2020

La Femme is a guerrilla book, a publication by Brazilian artist Cecília Cavalieri, in which she replaced every occurrence of the word “nature” with the word “woman” – and its derivatives – in a true GF Corpus originally called Nature [forgive me, Mr. Burbage!]

During the launch, a multi-voice reading of fragments from the book was held to uncover what Aristotle, Bergson, Cicero, Cournot, Deleuze, Descartes, Epicurus, Galileo, Hegel, Hobbes, D’Holbach, Hume, Husserl, Jonas, Kant, Koyré, Leibniz, Levinas, Lucretius, Nietzsche, Pascal, Pico della Mirandola, Plato, Rousseau, and Spinoza have to say about women.

The image is taken from the work of artist and thinker Priscilla Menezes.